Saturday, April 04, 2009


We interrupt this contest for a little fun - today I had the chance to run down to West Chester for lunch with my friend Jenny AND to drop in on the fabulous Lisa McMann at her book signing with the amazing Cassandra Clare. They both captivated the mob of fans crowded into the signing area by reading from their latest releases (Lisa's WAKE and Cassie's CITY OF GLASS) and answering questions.

I got some books signed by each and even got to touch Lisa's mystical, magic spoon, Spoobin. (Lisa looks like she's up to something there, doesn't she... hmmm... I feel a caption contest coming on... Stay tuned.) For now it's back to work (if I can concentrate with those books calling to me from the B&N bag...) May some of the magic have rubbed off on me!

Don't forget to grovel in the post below, if you haven't already, for your chance to win an ARC of DEATH BY DENIM!