Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What's Up Wednesday

Another Denim Giveaway
I'm featured on Stephenie Kuehnert's blog Women Who Rock feature this week and giving away a signed copy of DEATH BY DENIM. The link is here.

AND Speaking of Denim...
Check out this denim quilt my dear friend Jenny is making for me to celebrate DEATH BY DENIM! Isn't that the coolest thing EVER?!

Teen Author Carnival!
Tomorrow is pre-BEA Author Carnival is tomorrow! Woot! I'll be flying out in the morning.
For those of you who don't live in the New York area, the event will be streamed online live! You can check it out Thursday, May 28 4-6 p.m. EST on this page:;
A list of
participating authors can be found here. If you have questions for any of these authors, you can send them to @AuthorCarnival on Twitter anytime before or DURING the event!

Stoopid Power Texting Conspiracy Theory
Seriously, New York Times? North Korea is firing Nukes and the first Hispanic woman has been nominated to the Supreme Court, and you think this is a news item worthy of print space? American Idol is over. Let it go.

That's it for me. What's up with you?